A mono-play based upon a narrative by Nina Berberova “L’Accompagnatrice” was awarded at several international mono-play festivals Director – Vladimir Mikhelson (St. Petersburg)
”In order to reach the most relevant result we should make dirty tricks or chef-d’oeuvres. What do you select from these two things as YOU are capable of doing?”
Jules Renard This is a shrill history the main point of which is what is right and what is wrong, what are the good and the bad, the love and the hatred, and how destroying can be the sense of jealousy… In the play the music of M.Glinka, S.Rachmaninoff, D.Shostakovich, Mozart, M.Ravel …
Duration of the performance – 70 minutes
… Performance “Nobody” we can classify to put in the list (???) of the top ten performances of this the theatrical season. It shares the Friedrich Nietzsche’s slogan: the greatest in the world tyranny grows from suffering also the greatest in the world. This dialectic is essential for the performance. “Nobody” is a just not a performance, this is a humanitarian action…
Irina Evdokimova, an amazing actress and singer, has managed to show a full range of senses felt by her heroine, and did it with such a believability and fineness that involuntarily has made raised her seemed-to-be ordinary life to a tragedy level which appeared from the spirit of music. Music plunged in her playing: Bach, Mozart, Chaikovsky, Shostakovich, Ravel, and Schnittke. Quite naturally and organically, prose has become vocal. Very easily she transformed from a proud-hearted girl to a pulchritudinous prime lady, and further to all other characters of the story. She was everybody indeed, and Nobody at the same time…
We can see an actress on the stage, her face free of makeup; she is not afraid to look unbeautiful. And she takes the audience since the very first minutes of the performance telling us the story of life and crime of poor girl Sonechka. Irina plays her role in a sharp and acute manner that seems to be like she uses a scalpel for carving goffering on a piece of paper.
Mono-play is a kind of performance the most difficult to play, and Irina Evdokimova has managed to play it artistically. “Nobody” is the performance that we can evaluate as a very serious step of the actress in her approach to make a synthesis of vocal and dramaturgic material in one performance. Thus this musical and dramatical mono play was appeared and presented to public, a show of high culture and a delicate style filigree artistic technique. …
…Her Sonechka looks so veracious that she directly “attacked” all feelings of the public. Irina Evdokimova demonstrated us an unordinary power of world class actress. Playing her role like in one breath by using all her psychic abilities together with vocal capability and musical transformation power. She charmed us with her superfine sense of music and rhythm. For many our actors (especially those of young age) this performance has become a true school giving us a perception what is actually the acting on theatre stage.